Four Ways You Can Start a Business from Home : North Texas Black Business Blog
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Four Ways You Can Start a Business from Home

by Mark Courts on 08/25/18

Special Guest writer Amy Collett from

If you're looking to start a home-based business, you might be unsure where to begin. There is a lot of information out there, and it can be hard to know where to begin. Don't get overwhelmed. Here is what you need to know to start your home-based consultancy business.

Find Your Niche 

Consultancy businesses vary, but they all offer the means to realize a dream. If you have experience in your chosen field, you can use this to give your startup a solid foundation. However, if that's not the case, it's important to do research and set goals. The great thing about being a consultant is that it's something that allows you to harness existing knowledge and skills. When it's backed up by a range of entrepreneurial characteristics, you have an advantage as you set up a business.

Show tenacity in how you run your business. Don't shy away from promotion, or going the extra mile for a client. Always be ready to resolve problems, as consulting thrives on solutions. In the same vein, be ready to be adaptable and take risks. With these attributes, you can flesh out whatever experience you have and make yourself a compelling prospect for clients.

Attract Clients 

The basis of any business is customers. Growing a client base requires a multifaceted strategy. Firstly, you need to have an attractive price range. Compare the scope of your startup to others. Competitive pricing can be pivotal in securing clients, but to raise awareness of your services, you also need to market yourself through social media. It's an effective way to connect with potential customers and keep a broader community up-to-date.

Secondly, you'll need a well-presented website as it will detail your business and offer insights into your personality, skills and record of delivering quality work. An important part of any work is image and perception, and by building up your online presence, you can help define how people see your business.

Maintain Structure 

It's essential to have an environment that allows you to flourish. Your home is a place of comfort, but can be full of distractions that may divert your focus. Without structure, it can be easy for a business to become overwhelming. Look to apply the mindset of a traditional 9 to 5 job. In any line of work, would you be available 24/7? It isn't tenable over the long-term and can cause burnout.

With that in mind, look to set a schedule that gives you predictable work times to protect you from overworking. Equally, lay down boundaries for those you live with. While it's a fantastic opportunity to build a business from home, interruptions are not conducive to productivity. Remind everyone, including yourself, that you are at work now. Creating a business-friendly home may require change, but it can be beneficial to your success.

Create A Work Area 

Sometimes, it's easy to just take your work to the couch. However, this is likely not to be viable over the long-term for a successful home-based business. Support your venture by creating a workspace where you can dedicate yourself to your consulting. This should be a place that can allow you to get online or take a call without interruptions. Your computer and phone will be central to your work, and they can benefit from the installation of a range of business tools and software. These can be invaluable in organizing your time and helping your business grow. Tools can help you identify keywords to optimize your presence online, or to assist you in managing your social media.

It may seem like a lot of work, and it is. However, being able to start and grow a home-based business will be worth all the effort. Working on your own terms, with your own hours, is something that cannot be replaced. Running your own business will open you to a new way of living, so be prepared and make the plunge.

Amy Collett is creator of, a website that helps professionals and entrepreneurs build and strengthen their personal brand. She is author of the upcoming book, You, Exemplified: The Role of Personal Branding in Your Professional Life. When she isn’t helping clients boost their careers or businesses, she enjoys coaching her daughter’s soccer team and training to become a yoga instructor.


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