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10 Budgeting Myths You Might Be Falling For

by Mark Courts on 10/29/18

This another one of the articles I received as a part of the Dave Ramsey newletter series. I hope you enjoy it.

You've probably heard a lot of trash talk about budgeting over the years. Or maybe you tried budgeting in the past and didn't stick with it each month. But don't judge budgeting until you hear us out!

Having a budget is essential to helping you beat debt and win with money. It's the map you need to get where you want to go in your journey. That's why we've debunked some of the top budgeting myths so you can start winning with money!

1. I don't have time to budget.

If you're not doing a budget because you don't think you have the time, consider taking a fresh look at your priorities. You might be surprised at how many "things" you could let go of in order to get your finances back in shape. You know, those things that really aren't as important as taking control of your money.

It's true that you might spend a few hours a month mapping out your expenses when you first start budgeting. But after those first few months, it's pretty much smooth sailing! You're simply plugging in numbers and letting math do the rest.

2. Making a budget is difficult and I hate math.

Speaking of math, this isn't rocket science. If you can do basic third-grade math, you can make a budget. Your income minus your outgo needs to equal zero. That's it!

Seriously, hating math is a pretty lame excuse. Instead of hating math, why not hate being in debt? Don't stay away from the budget because "math is too hard?" It's not. Don't forget our free budgeting app EveryDollar--it does the math for you!

3. Budgeting is boring.

You'd be amazed at how many people don't make a budget every month because they think it's boring. You know what else is boring? Credit card statements. And collector calls. And bankruptcy court ... actually, all of that is pretty awful.

If you're a free spirit when it comes to budgeting, stop and take a breath. You can do this! Once you get the hang of it, making a budget isn't bad at all. And as time goes by, you might even find it a little fun. Imagine that! Get your spreadsheet-loving, planner of a spouse or friend to help give you that extra push.

Budgeting is key to helping you get out of debt. And being debt-free? Now that's fun.

4. I can do a budget in my head.

If you can seriously do a zero-based budget in your head every single month, we'll assume you're the most brilliant person on the planet. Could you please help our government make a budget?

A budget in your head isn't a budget. It's just a kinda-sorta-vague-idea-of-what's-being-spent thing. For a budget to work, it needs to be something you can track. And if you're married and doing a budget in your head, that means only one of you is involved in the decision making--and that's a definite no-no! You need to be working together.

5. I budget by keeping track of everything I spend.

That's a start, but it's not a budget. When you only track spending, you're always looking at the past and never looking forward.

Your budget is your game plan for the upcoming month. You're planning what you'll do with the money you haven't spent yet. When you keep receipts or use your online bank statements to see what you spent last month, you're doing just that--looking at last month.

You need to plan for your future spending while looking at your past spending, not just one or the other. If you're already tracking your spending, the budget is just a natural next step.

6. A budget is too restrictive.

You don't want to give up your Saturday morning coffee and bagel at the corner cafe, we get it. Don't worry! You can keep your weekly caffeine and schmear combo, just put it in the budget.

What does that mean? When you create your monthly budget, be sure to include things you enjoy. Budget for that weekend treat, Friday night takeout, or trip to the movies. Having a budget doesn’t mean you can't have fun anymore. Believe it or not, a budget actually gives you the freedom to spend your money!

7. There are always unexpected expenses, so why bother to budget?

Sure, things can come up unexpectedly. But that doesn't mean your budget has to suffer because of it! In our experience, things aren't always as "unexpected" as they seem. You know your friend's baby shower is coming up next month, you know when your car registration is due, and you know Christmas is in December every year. Be sure to plan for those type of things in your budget.

And if you find you really, truly keep having unexpected costs to cover, add a "miscellaneous" category in your budget. Use it as the catch all you can dip into when something unexpected arises. Just remember not to abuse it.

8. Budgeting means I can"t go out to eat anymore. I hate cooking!

You hate cooking! Join the club! First of all, the rumors are true. You can actually eat at home without having to cook. Keep a rotation of PB&J, soup, tuna and salad on hand, and you'll be set! But really, it's worth it to learn how to cook a few good meals. Pro tip: The slow cooker is your friend.

Having a budget doesn't mean you never set foot in a restaurant again. You just have to budget for it. Add a date night or girls' night out line item to your budget. Add a column for Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A and everything in between if you want to. The point is, just make sure you have room for it in the budget before you spend any money there.

9. It's not the right time for me.

Is it ever going to be the right and most optimal time? Not really. Something will always come up. That's life.

Are you putting off starting a budget just because you have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Don't let that be your excuse! If anything, you need a budget now more than ever.

A budget helps you figure out how much you want to spend on the gifts and festivities. Sure, every month will look different, but here's the great thing: You know the date of those holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. They don’t ever change! Put them in your budget months in advance so you can start saving.

10. I make plenty of money . . . I don't need a budget.

If you think doing a budget is only for people who have trouble making ends meet, think again. Dave has made a budget every month since he went broke nearly 30 years ago. It doesn't matter if you have $100 to your name or if you're a millionaire--you need to tell your money where to go. Everyone needs a budget!

We hate that so many people fall for these budgeting myths and excuses, but you don't have to be one of them! You have the power to take control of your money, all you need to do is take the first step.

Don't be tricked into thinking you can't make a change and take control of your money. You can! Sign up for our free budgeting app, EveryDollar, and get started today!

7 Characteristics of Debt-Free Living

by Mark Courts on 10/12/18

Are you interested in becoming debt-free? This is an article that I received as a part of the Dave Ramsey newsletter series. I hope you enjoy it.

Family #1 manages to pay off $40,000 in debt in two years on a  $35,000 annual income. Family #2 makes $100,000 a year but can't seem to make the slightest dent in the same amount of debt.

One of these families is on their way to becoming debt-free. The other is making the same mistakes they have been for years.

Why is that?


While many factors could be in play here, one of the most likely reasons is the second family has created a habit of overspending. They earn a great income, but they probably spend beyond their budget, which leaves them with less money and causes a lot of tension around the house. That's a difficult and stressful way to live.

The people who overcome that stress realize they have to handle money differently and make some lifestyle changes. When they make those adjustments, they begin to establish certain characteristics that are super important when it comes to becoming debt-free and staying that way. As Dave always says, personal finance is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent head knowledge.

So, what are some of the behaviors of people who are becoming debt-free?

Traits of People Who Experience Debt-Free Living

1. They Are Countercultural

Despite normal convention, these people realize debt isn't a tool. Society tells us "you have to have a credit card to survive," "you can't go to college without student loans," and "you’ll always have a car payment." But those who are experiencing debt-free living don't buy into these norms. Credit cards aren't necessary for their everyday lives. Car payments don't take a chunk of money from their budgets. They treat debt like leftovers they find at the back of their fridge. Whether it's debt or week-old meatloaf, they get rid of it! Debt is normal. So be weird!

2. They Use Self-Control

According to Dave, adults make a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good. Someone who really wants to get out of debt has the willpower to walk right past the shoe section or the flat-screen TV aisle without making an impulse purchase. They aren't swayed to buy something simply because it's on sale that day. They are wise enough to know purchasing something isn't going to erase all their problems and make them feel better. Why? Because they know not to buy those things unless they can pay cash. They are willing to wait, work and save.

3. They Are Confident

A person who believes in their money plan doesn't care what others think of them. They're fine with driving an older car, because it doesn't have a payment. They don't need to take expensive vacations just to post a glamorous photo on social media. They actually look at price tags and not only at brand names. Why? Because they have given up on trying to keep up with the Joneses.

And guess what? This kind of steadfast discipline frees up more money to attack their debts. With each debt they pay off, their confidence grows by leaps and bounds.


4. They Are Goal-Driven

No-brainer, right? Debt-free living is a goal, so people who want to accomplish it keep that objective in front of them. They set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and have an expiration date. They determine what they want to do and map out their strategy to make it happen.

5. They Are Gazelle Intense

If you've taken Financial Peace University, you probably remember Dave talking about gazelle intensity. That's when you are so fed up with debt you run as fast as you can (like a gazelle) in the opposite direction. This means they are looking to squeeze every single dollar they can from their budget. They are couponing, looking for sales at every turn, and even working a side hustle. They are all in.

6. They Are Not Materialistic

Someone who is materialistic places too much emphasis on "stuff." They borrow up to their eyeballs to pay for their vacation, car and oversized house. The person who is determined to get out of debt knows money doesn't buy happiness, so they don't fall into the trap of wanting as much stuff as they can get. They have become content with what they have and aren't seeking to buy their happiness.

7. They Are Willing to Make Sacrifices

Eating out, going to movies every week, and getting the premium cable package--these are the types of things a person might have to avoid while becoming debt-free. But keep in mind: Budget cuts are just temporary. Once the debt is gone, there is more room in the budget for those dinner-and-a-movie dates.

Want to Be Debt-Free? You Can Do This!

When you take a closer look at debt, you start to see it for what it is--something that holds you back. Once you see that, it's easier to be patient, make sacrifices, and feel confident in your ability to pay it off. Before you know it, you'll be enjoying debt-free living too!

Do you have what it takes to be debt-free? Your journey can start today just by taking the first step and believing you can change your life. Join the 5 million people who have learned how to take control of your money. Find a group today!

How to Save for Retirement Without a 401k

by Mark Courts on 09/11/18

Are you looking for additional ways to save for retirement? This is an article that I received as a part of the Dave Ramsey newsletter series. I hope you enjoy it.

By Chris Hogan 

If you're frustrated by all the retirement planning advice (including our own) that puts a 401(k) in the central role, you're not alone. Over one-third of all workers don't have access to an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. And though some employees have a 401(k), not all receive an employer match, which is a certain contribution percentage sometimes offered by employers.

Wondering what's the best option for you? Here's how to save for retirement when you don't have a 401(k).

Saving for Retirement Without a 401k

Open a Roth IRA.

Though you may not be able to save for retirement with a 401(k) or 401(k) match, you can take full advantage of a Roth IRA. Currently, you can contribute $5,500 a year to your Roth IRA-or $6,500 if you're 50 or older. You can choose from thousands of mutual funds, making it easy to diversify your investments evenly between the four categories: growth, growth and income, aggressive growth and international.

Though you may not be able to save for retirement with a 401(k) or 401(k) match, you can take full advantage of a Roth IRA.  -Chris Hogan

Best of all, since you pay taxes on the money when you initially contribute, you will be able to draw your savings in retirement tax-free. That means if you contribute the maximum amount each year, you could potentially have a nest egg worth almost $1.5 million after 30 years. And you won't have to pay a penny in income taxes to use it in retirement.

What are the Roth IRA requirements?

To be eligible to fully contribute to a Roth IRA, you must:

  • Have an earned income
  • Have a modified adjusted gross income-total adjusted gross income (which is the total gross income minus deductions) plus any tax-exempt interest income--that's less than $189,000 for married couples filing jointly or $120,000 for single people

Now pay attention, because this is important. Married couples can have two Roth IRAs even if one spouse does not have an earned income. You can contribute the maximum to both accounts, a total of $11,000 a year. For many people, fully funding two Roth IRAs will be enough to reach the goal of investing 15% of their income for retirement.

What about a traditional IRA?

If your income is too high to contribute to a Roth IRA, you can go with a traditional IRA. Like a Roth IRA, you can contribute up to $5,500 annually, $6,500 annually if you're 50 or older, and you and your spouse can both have an account.

If your income is too high to contribute to a Roth IRA, you can go with a traditional IRA. --Chris Hogan

That's where the similarities end. Unlike a Roth IRA, you don't have to make less than a certain amount to be eligible to contribute to a traditional IRA because they don't have any annual income limits. But not only are you required to begin withdrawing after you turn 70 1/2, you also can't contribute any more money. And though contributions to a traditional IRA are tax deductible, you'll have to pay taxes on the money you withdraw from it in retirement.

Still with me? Now, let's look at some other options you can explore if you're self-employed.

Saving for Retirement if You're Self-Employed

If you are self-employed and don't have any employees, a one-participant 401(k) may be right up your alley. Contributions are tax deductible and you can contribute up to $18,500 annually. Then, on top of that, you can put in additional money of up to 25% of your income as long as what you contribute is less than $55,000 per year.

SEP-IRAs are primarily used by small-business owners who want to contribute to their employees' retirements, but freelancers and the self-employed can also use this option. You can contribute to your own retirement this way, but you can't exceed the lesser of either 25% of your income or $55,000.

What if I run a small business with employees?

Once you have employees, the rules of the road change a bit. A great choice is a SIMPLE IRA, which requires you to offer up to a 3% match for participating employees annually--and contributions are tax deductible. SIMPLE IRAs come with an individual annual limit of $12,500 (if you're under 50).

Retirement Option Situation

Yearly Max (under 50 years old)

Roth IRA Any Earned Income $5,500
Traditional IRA Any Earned Income $5,500
One-Participant 401(k) Self-Employed $18,500 (and anything up to 25% of income)
Simple IRA Small Business $12,500
SEP IRA Freelancer/Self-Employed 25% of earned income

What other options do I have?

If you work for a nonprofit or other tax-exempt organization, a 403(b) plan is another great pretax investment option that works a lot like a 401(k). You can use this plan to invest in mutual funds, but steer clear of annuities that are also usually offered in 403(b) plans.

Federal employees can save for retirement through the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). TSPs usually come with matching contributions and allow you to make after-tax contributions with the added plus of tax-free withdrawals when you retire. You can also choose how to split your TSP contribution between several unique options.

Use a taxable investment account.

If you don't have any of the above options or if you are able to save more once you max out a tax-deferred option, contributing to a taxable investment account is a great way to hit that 15% investment goal.

Be sure to put your higher taxed investments, like mutual funds, in your tax-deferred accounts--if you have the--and your lower taxed investments in your taxed account. You can ask one of our tax Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) to help you decide which investment to have in which account.

Use direct deposit.

One of the best parts of a 401(k) plan is that your money is withheld from your paycheck automatically, saving you from accidentally spending money you should be saving. You don't even have to think about investing for retirement. It just happens!

You can recreate this powerful effect by setting up a direct deposit from your paycheck to your chosen investment option. Just because your money is being deposited automatically, however, doesn't give you permission to go on autopilot with your overall retirement plan. Be sure you're communicating regularly with your financial advisor to stay dialed in to your retirement future.

Remember, it's up to you!

Get started today!

An investing advisor will walk you through the paperwork and help you choose the mutual funds you'll invest in through any options you choose. You can even set up automatic contributions to make retirement saving as convenient as a 401(k).

An expert advisor can also show you other options if your income exceeds the limits of your first choice. Or, if you've maxed out your tax deductible investible income but still have money to invest, they can help with that too. You can find an experienced pro with our nationwide investing network, SmartVestor. Find your pro today!

About Chris Hogan

Chris Hogan is the #1 national best-selling author of Retire Inspired: It's Not an Age. It's a Financial Number and host of the Retire Inspired Podcast. A popular and dynamic speaker on the topics of personal finance, retirement and leadership, Hogan helps people across the country develop successful strategies to manage their money in both their personal lives and businesses. You can follow Hogan on Twitter and Instagram at @ChrisHogan360 and online at or

What Is Passive Income and How Do I Build It?

by Mark Courts on 09/09/18

Are you interested in earning additional income? This is an article that I received as a part of the Dave Ramsey newsletter series. I hope you enjoy it.

By Chris Hogan

If you're a forward-focused thinker, you may be dreaming about leaving the workforce to enjoy an easier life in retirement or you might even be considering retiring early. But a dream without a plan is just a wish.

To put some wheels on that dream, you need to consider passive income. There are plenty of different passive income options and explanations of how to build it. If you're new to the idea, I'm about to break it down for you.

What Is Passive Income?

Passive income is money you earn in a way that requires little to no effort. Some passive income ideas-like renting out property or building a blog-may take some work to get up and running, but they could eventually earn you money while you sleep.

Why Build Passive Income?

Your income is your greatest wealth-building tool-a tool that typically requires your active participation in the form of a full-time job. You know what I'm talking about! Even if you love your job, I'm willing to bet you wouldn't mind earning some extra income without the blood, sweat, tears, and time commitment of another job. In fact, there are several benefits. Building a passive income:

  • Increases your wealth-building plan
  • Creates an opportunity to retire early
  • Protects you from a complete loss of income if you lose your job
  • Provides an additional source of income when you're no longer able to work or if you outlive your retirement fund

How Much Money Can I Make?

Passive income generally won't make you wealthy overnight, so forget about any get-rich-quick schemes you've heard of. But steady, profitable passive income options can build some serious money over the long haul. We're talking anywhere from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars-depending on the income stream.

How to Build Passive Income

Passive income can be built in many ways, but first let's take a look at what it truly is and which income streams are available.


When we say "passive income," some people tend to think of investing because it can produce the largest results with the least amount of work. But your retirement plan and passive income should be thought of as two separate things.

The whole idea behind long-term investing is to create income for retirement. You want to make sure you're investing in your company retirement plan, like a 401(k)-if your fund choices are good and they offer a match-in addition to other tax-favored plans like a Roth IRA if they don't offer a Roth 401(k).

These are great options for building a solid retirement plan, but you will incur taxes and penalties for any withdrawals before a certain age. With retirement planning, you want to let your money grow for the long haul and not touch it!

On the other hand, we want to think about passive income as a type of low-effort income that can be accessed at any time. Let's take a look at some of these options below.

Real Estate

One way to build passive income after you're debt-free and have some cash saved up is by purchasing real estate and renting it out to tenants.

Before you buy rental property, pay off your own home first and purchase your investment property with cash. Don't ever go into debt to buy rental property! The last thing you need to do is take on the expense of owning another house or commercial building on top of a monthly mortgage payment! Cash only. Period.

I also suggest buying close by so you can personally keep an eye on the property. Find a real estate agent who knows your area well so you can buy property in a location that will attract renters.

Rental property can be a great source of extra income, but it isn't the most passive choice because you'll put a lot of time and effort into managing the property-unless you hire a property management company.

If you go the rental property route, you need to be in control of your property. I don't recommend real estate investment options-such as a real estate investment trust (REIT)-that pool your money into properties under its control while other people make decisions about your property for you.

Other Passive Income Ideas

Sell Digital Ad Space

If you have a brilliant idea that appeals to a specific audience, you could create something like an educational blog or a YouTube tutorial series to generate online traffic. If your content is engaging and it sees enough daily traffic, you could sell ad space on your blog or ad spots on your channel. After you put in the heavy lifting, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy streams of passive income.

Sell Digital Products

If you've discovered how to create content that produces enough traffic to host ads, you could make a product your audience would love to buy. That could be anything from a simple e-book to a complex app that generates income for years after it's released.

Store People's Stuff

People have a lot of stuff-and they're always looking for inexpensive ways to store it. What could be easier than having people pay you to store their stuff?Building passive income by offering storage could involve a large-scale investment of buying a storage facility (with cash!) or something simpler like offering your basement or shed. You'll just need to ensure their items are safe and secure.

Rent Out Useful Items

Do you have any items you don't use all the time that others would like to borrow? Useful items like a truck, trailer, trampoline, kayak, or even your own yard could earn you passive income as rental items. This also includes renting out spare rooms in your house with the help of websites like Airbnb. Hop on your favorite social media site, upload pictures of your items, set a price, and tell the world they're ready for rent.

Passive Income Tips

The list of passive income ideas could go on forever. As you search for the best fit, keep an eye out for ideas that show positive long-term track records. Do other people make money on the idea? Has it come back to bite someone who tried it? Some people ask me about passive income options like drink, vending, or other rental machines in public places. The bottom line? Don't fall for any passive income ideas that promise a quick return or require huge amounts of money upfront. They will sabotage your other financial goals. Look for ideas that are steady, profitable, and trustworthy. Do your research. And never go into debt!

"Don't fall for any passive income ideas that promise a quick return or require huge amounts of money upfront." -- Chris Hogan

Build Wealth That Lasts

Did any of these ideas interest you in building passive income? Want a clearer picture of how different income streams might fit into your overall wealth-building strategy? If so, connect with a financial professional through our SmartVestor program and create a game plan to start building wealth that lasts. A financial pro will look at all your income streams and help you develop a financial plan that meets your individual needs. Find a SmartVestor Pro today!

About Chris Hogan

Chris Hogan is a #1 national best-selling author, dynamic speaker and financial expert. For more than a decade, Hogan has served at Ramsey Solutions, spreading a message of hope to audiences across the country as a financial coach and Ramsey Personality. Hogan challenges and equips people to take control of their money and reach their financial goals, using The Chris Hogan Show, his national TV appearances, and live events across the nation. His second book, Everyday Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth--And How You Can Too, is based on the largest study of net-worth millionaires ever conducted. You can follow Chris Hogan on Twitter and Instagram at @ChrisHogan360 and online at or


10 of the Best Companies for Working From Home

by Mark Courts on 09/09/18

I wanted to share an article that I came across about potential work from home positions. I hope you find it helpful.

Working from home is one of the most highly-coveted perks there is - and it's no wonder. If you could skip the morning commute, spend more time with your family and friends and work in your pajamas, wouldn't you? But while most people would love the option to work remotely, plenty of them just don't know where to start.

If this sounds like you, you'll probably be interested in this report from FlexJobs detailing the top companies with remote jobs in 2018. Learn more about them below, and apply while positions are still available!


Open Remote Jobs: Online English Teacher

What They Do: "VIPKid is the leading global online K12 education leader and #1 Company for Remote Jobs. We've created a live, one-on-one online learning platform that matches motivated kids studying English in China with inspiring teachers."

What Employees Say: "VIPKID pays between $14-22 an hour, plus more in incentives some months. Most kids are fun and well behaved. You create your own schedule and work as little or much as you want. The materials are already provided, you just have to review them beforehand and plan out how you want to teach the materials and which props you want to use." -Current ESL Teacher


What They Do: "Our two divisions (TTEC Digital and TTEC Engage) help brands make every interaction they have with a customer-whether it's face-to-face, online, over the phone, on social media, or via a mobile app-simple, personal and exceptional!"

Open Remote Jobs: Customer Service Representative, Healthcare Licensed Insurance Agent, Technical Support Representative, Cisco Call Manager & more

What Employees Say: "The opportunity to advance within the company is limitless for anyone interested, willing to put forth the effort and are in good standing within their department." -Current Customer Service Representative

3. Dell

What They Do: "Dell Technologies is a unique family of businesses that provides the essential infrastructure for organizations to build their digital future, transform IT and protect their most important asset: information."

Open Remote Jobs: Systems Consultant, Product Specialist, Technology Services Manager, Account Executive, Technical Sales Engineer and more

What Employees Say: "People and customers make this a great place to work. Michael Dell and his executive staff are making great decisions that are helping shape the future of the IT industry. Great work-life balance and ability to work from home is an added bonus." - Current Product Marketing Manager

4. Working Solutions

What They Do: "Working Solutions is a recognized leader in on-demand contact center services, offering responsive resources that move and morph with the business."

Open Remote Jobs: Event Ticketing & Sales, Sales & Customer Service

What Employees Say: "One of [the] benefits of working for Working Solutions is that you get to work from home and make your own schedule. There are great incentives and the management teams are always helpful in encouraging your success." - Current Contractor

5. Kelly Services

What They Do: "As a global leader in providing workforce solutions, Kelly offers a wide array of outsourcing and consulting services as well as staffing on a temporary, temporary-to-hire, and direct-hire basis."

Open Remote Jobs: Attorney, SAS Programmer, EDI Program Consultant, Life Insurance Underwriter, Clinical Site Manager, Recruiter & more

What Employees Say: "The company is very diverse, help is always available, easy to be promoted, pay is good, work from home." - Current Employee

6. Intuit

What They Do: "Our mission is powering prosperity around the world. We build intuitive web, mobile, and cloud solutions that generate more money, more time, and more confidence for 46+ million people."

Open Remote Jobs: Tax Expert, Seasonal Tax Expert

What Employees Say: "Intuit is a wonderful company to work for. They offer competitive pay and several shift options. The management is fair and efficient and the work is enjoyable." -Current Employee 

7. UnitedHealth Group

What They Do: "We're a Fortune 5 company on a global mission to help people live healthier lives while improving the health system and expanding access to quality care."

Open Remote Jobs: Network Manager, Senior Consultant -Revenue Cycle Consulting, Instructional Designer, Human Capital Services Advisor, Senior Patent Engineer & more

What Employees Say: "Great benefits... unlimited opportunity all over the world with the option to work from home. Try them out! You'll love it!" - Current Recovery Analyst

8. Aetna

What They Do: "We are developing solutions to improve the quality and affordability of health care."

Open Remote Jobs: Case Manager RN, Bus. Project Program Manager, Senior Analyst, Director - Health Care Quality Management, Recruiter & more

What Employees Say: "Work at home, good work environment at the office. Excellent pay. Great training and competent supervisory staff. Excellent computer software to work with."- Current Employee

9. Kaplan

What They Do: "With higher education programs online and at campuses, test preparation, and professional training, we're empowering students."

Open Remote Jobs: ACT Prep Instructor, Part-Time Insurance Licensing Instructor, Student Content Creator, Marketing Director - B2B, HEA Assessment Item Editor & more

What Employees Say: "Work with great people. Transparent leadership. In most roles, you also get to work from home. Good community vibe." - Current Ops Manager

10. BroadPath Healthcare Solutions

What They Do: "BroadPath Healthcare Solutions supports payers and providers with specialized services powered by a high-caliber distributed workforce."

Open Remote Jobs: Medicare Advantage Telesales Agent, Quality Analyst, Member Services Supervisor, Call Center Workforce Management Analyst, Project Supervisor & more

What Employees Say: "Great job, great people to work with, and good pay for a remote member services position, its the best pay I've ever had working from home and I've been doing this over 10 years."-Former Member Service Representative

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